How To Fix Leaking Caravan Roof Using Liquid Rubber Sealant

How To Fix Leaking Caravan Roof Using Liquid Rubber Sealant

Australians have a deep-seated love for the great outdoors, with many of us spending our summers caravaning across the vast and scenic landscapes. But even the most rugged adventurers don't want the unexpected surprise of a leaky roof.

Before you venture out into the bush or along the coast, it's time to address that annoying leak with a more permanent solution than the quick silicone fix.

Understanding the Causes: Why Do Caravan and Motorhome Roofs Leak?

Leaks in your caravan or motorhome typically come down to two main factors:

  • Age and Climate: Australia's harsh climate can be unforgiving, with intense heat and UV exposure wearing down materials over time. Whether it's the Outback's dry heat or the coastal areas' humidity, your caravan's roof seals are bound to deteriorate after years of exposure.
  • Wear and Tear from Travel: Your caravan experiences every bump and turn along your travels. Unlike modern vehicles with sophisticated suspension systems, the continuous vibration and movement can strain and eventually weaken the roof's seals and joins.

The Durable Caravan Roof Fix: Liquid Rubber Sealant

To ensure your caravan remains sturdy and leak-free, a complete resealing with liquid rubber sealant is the way to go. This process doesn't just patch up the problem areas; it revitalizes your entire roof. Here's your step-by-step guide:

  • Start with a Clean Slate: Thoroughly clean the roof to remove all dirt, debris, moss, and lichen.
  • Prep the Joins: Lift the lap joins and apply a sealer between them, ensuring that you're not just covering them but reinforcing them.
  • Apply the Primer: Use a quality epoxy primer to prepare the roof surface. This will enhance the liquid rubber's adherence and effectiveness.
  • Reinforce with Bandage: Apply a liquid silicone/rubber sealant along all lap joins, then press a strip of polyester reinforcing bandage into the wet sealant for added strength.
  • Seal with Liquid Rubber: Finish off by applying two comprehensive coats of liquid rubber sealant across the entire roof. 

By taking these steps, you're not just fixing the current leaks; you're preventing future ones and ensuring your caravan is as resilient as your spirit of adventure.

So, grab your gear, and let's get that caravan ready for endless Australian journeys, knowing that you're well-protected from the elements above!


How do you seal a leaky caravan roof?

To effectively seal a leaky caravan roof, we recommend using our Liquid Rubber sealant. While butyl mastic sealants or caulking compounds are common for quick fixes, Liquid Rubber provides a more durable and long-lasting solution. It's easy to apply and forms a hardened outer layer upon exposure to air, offering excellent protection against water and dust.

Unlike basic caulks, Liquid Rubber is designed for longevity, ensuring your caravan roof stays leak-free for an extended period. This makes it a superior choice for reliable and efficient roof repair.

What kind of sealant to use on a caravan roof?

For sealing caravan roofs, we highly recommend Liquid Rubber. It's user-friendly, robust, and specifically formulated to provide excellent protection against water damage.

Favoured by numerous caravan owners for its effectiveness, Liquid Rubber can be easily applied to your caravan's roof. Just ensure the roof is clean before applying the sealant in your preferred method.

Allow it to cure for a day to ensure optimal performance before exposing it to water. With Liquid Rubber, you can be confident that your caravan is receiving the best care and protection.

Can you put roof sealant on a wet caravan roof?

Yes, Wet Shield Fast Fix, our waterproofing sealant, is specially formulated to be applied in wet conditions. It's an ideal solution for immediate leak repair, as it can be applied directly onto the leaking area, even amidst heavy rain.

After application, the sealant takes one to two months to fully cure, forming a strong, waterproof barrier on your caravan roof. This makes it a convenient and reliable option for addressing leaks promptly, regardless of weather conditions.

How long does caravan roof waterproofing sealant last?

The longevity of a roof waterproofing sealant like Liquid Rubber can vary based on factors such as the application method, weather conditions, and the roof's exposure to elements. However, when applied correctly, Liquid Rubber is designed to provide effective waterproofing for several years.

Regular maintenance and inspections can help extend its lifespan and ensure your caravan roof remains well-protected against leaks and water damage.

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