Repairs Leaking Roof After
Storm Damage
The storm & wet season can be devastating to buildings, homes & structures in parts of Australia.
One of the most challenging outcomes of severe weather is leaking roofs.
Rain, combined with strong winds, can create leaks in places that did not leak previously. One of the most challenging outcomes of severe weather is leaking roofs.
Leaking metal roofs with seams, joins & overlaps; concrete roofs with deteriorated old waterproof membranes can cause extensive water damage under storm conditions.
Home owners can DIY repair leaking roofs with a long lasting waterproof membrane - Liquid Rubber
See Our DIY Liquid Rubber Videos - Click Here
How to Repair a Leaking Roof
PreparationInspect the damage. Look for cracks, leaks, and areas of heavy water damage. Make sure that any areas of pooling water have been dried out. Remove all loose paint, dirt, oil and grease leaving the surface clean and dry. Do not use any soaps or detergents. |
Use Geotextile BandageAll surfaces with joints, cracks, flashing or where two unlike surfaces come together should be seam taped. Bandage taping is done to provide additional strength and reinforcement. Geotextile Bandage is also great for patching holes & rust. |
Apply Liquid Rubber MembraneUsing a Roller or brush, apply Liquid Rubber over the entire area to be waterproofed. We suggest minimum two (2) waterproof coats. |